James 1:27

" Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Crossroads is a participating church with Safe Families. Safe Families is an organization rooted in faith, fueled by radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, and intentional compassion.

What is Safe Families?

Safe Families for Children seeks to keep children safe and families together. Safe Families for Children is rooted in faith, fueled by radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, and intentional compassion, to build a network of caring and compassionate volunteers to support families facing social isolation. 

Their goals are to prevent child abuse and neglect, reduce the number of children entering the child welfare system, and support and stabilize families.

How can I get involved?

There are many ways to join the mission of Safe Families. You can:

  • Become a host family
  • Become a family friend
  • Become a resource friend
  • Become a family coach

As Crossroads, we’ve partnered with Safe Families in providing not just resources through our foster closet, but also to help local families who want to serve, learn how to get involved. For more information about getting involved, please email Crossroads Community Closet.

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